Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Within one week of receiving the SBI Credit Card (4207 3991 0424 6706 ), two fraud transactions were done by some body through my Credit Card in the night of 07/12/2017 at 11.15 PM that time I was sleeping. Next day morning (08/12/2017) when I seen my mobile, I seen two SMS sent by SBI one for transaction of Rs 10000 and second for Rs 9999.
I had neither given my mobile to anybody nor told OTP to anybody even I seen my mobile next day in the morning. But immediately same day at 11.00 AM I informed and checked with bank / customer care then I knew that transaction were really done successfully by somebody with my credit card number.
I immediately asked to customer care to cancel the transactions and block the card. They did not cancel the transactions and sent me another card after blocking previous card.
I logged the complaint in SBI credit card to , . I also registered the complaint in Police Station and Cyber Cell and RBI Delhi too.
SBI charge back team did wrong investigation and asked to pay more than Rs 20,000/- with interest and I paid this amount to bank.
Interaction details with SBI customer care/banks are attached.
Kindly ask to revert the fraud amount that I paid to your bank.
Credit Card No was : 4207 3991 0424 6706


Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Within one week of receiving the SBI Credit Card (4207 3991 0424 6706 ), two fraud transactions were done by some body through my Credit Card in the night of 07/12/2017 at 11.15 PM that time I was sleeping. Next day morning (08/12/2017) when I seen my mobile, I seen two SMS sent by SBI one for transaction of Rs 10000 and second for Rs 9999.
I had neither given my mobile to anybody nor told OTP to anybody even I seen my mobile next day in the morning. But immediately same day at 11.00 AM I informed and checked with bank / customer care then I knew that transaction were really done successfully by somebody with my credit card number.
I immediately asked to customer care to cancel the transactions and block the card. They did not cancel the transactions and sent me another card after blocking previous card.
I logged the complaint in SBI credit card to , . I also registered the complaint in Police Station and Cyber Cell and RBI Delhi too.
SBI charge back team did wrong investigation and asked to pay more than Rs 20,000/- with interest and I paid this amount to bank.
Interaction details with SBI customer care/banks are attached.
Kindly ask to revert the fraud amount that I paid to your bank.
Credit Card No was : 4207 3991 0424 6706
File a complaint against the Bank with the Banking Ombudsman department of RBI and claim not only the amount bu the amount and the harassment you have gone through
File a complaint against the Bank with the Banking Ombudsman department of RBI and claim not only the amount bu the amount and the harassment you have gone through
----More than 10 place I've filed the complaints, nothing happen.
Results that I get: Thanks for contacting us . We'll take care of this... same message I recieved from police station to RBI Delhi.
If you have filed with Banking Ombudsman the n in case you are not getting a response then forward a reminder to them but normally they do respond. Hope due to any reason that is technical ,it has not be rejected. Please check and re file the complaint in case it has been rejected.
No Department want to take any action. It looks all have been either corrupted or fear to do justice.
Yesterday received below mail from RBI .


हमें उक्त बैंक के विरुद्ध आपकी शिकायत प्राप्त हुई है।

2. आपकी शिकायत की जांच करने पर ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि इसी तरह की मिलते जुलते विषय वस्तु वाली एक शिकायत पर इस कार्यालय द्वारा बतौर शिकायत सं 201718016003640, जिस पर कार्यवाही की जा चुकी (को खंड 13(d) में निष्पादित) है ।चूंकि यह शिकायत एक प्रतिकृति(डुप्लीकेट) शिकायत है, यह निम्न रूप में पठित बैंकिंग लोकपाल योजना के खण्ड 9(3) (सी) के अपेक्षानुसार नहीं हैः

“ 9 शिकायत दर्ज करने की प्रक्रिया

(3) बैंकिग लोकपाल को कोई भी शिकायत तभी स्वीकार्य होगी, जब-

(सी) शिकायत उसी वाद हेतुक से संबंधित नहीं है जिसे गुणों के आधार पर बैंकिंग लोकपाल के कार्यलय द्वारा पिछली किन्हीं कार्यवाहियों में निपटाया गया हो अथवा उस पर कार्रवाई की गई हो चाहे वह वाद हेतुक से संबंधित उसी शिकायतकर्ता से अथवा एक अथवा अधिक शिकायतकर्ता के साथ अथवा एक अथवा अधिक पक्षों से प्राप्त हुई हो या नहीं हुई हो ;”।

3. तदनुसार बैंकिंग लोकपाल योजना 2006 के खण्ड 9 (3) के तहत शिकायत हमारी तरफ से बंद कर दी गई है जो निम्न रूप में पठित हैः-

13. शिकायत का अस्वीकरण

बैंकिग लोकपाल किसी शिकायत को किसी भी चरण में अस्वीकार कर सकता है बशर्ते कि उसे ऐसा लगे कि शिकायतः

(ए) खण्ड 8 में संदर्भित आधार पर नहीं है अथवा खण्ड 9 के उप- खण्ड 3 के अनुसार नहीं है।

4. पर साथ ही यह उल्लेखनीय है कि बैंकिंग लोकपाल शिकायत निवारण के लिए एक वैकल्पिक मंच मात्र है , चाहें तो आप अपनी शिकायत के निवारण के लिए किसी भी मंच सं सपर्क साधने के लिए स्वतंत्र हैं।

इसे बैंकिग लोकपाल के अनुमोदन से भेजा जा रहा है।



बैंकिंग लोकपाल

बैंकिंग लोकपाल कार्यालय –II / Office of the Banking Ombudsman-II
भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक / Reserve Bank of India
नई दिल्ली / New Delhi

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