usha janome sewing machine

The sewing machine of USHA brand called as Janome Dream Stitch got malfunctioned in just days after its expiry and even the service agent of USHA company did a very unprofessional job and even after paying Rs. 550/- it did not got improved or got fit, even slightly. The company people are now declaring that USHA does not give any warranty or any claim over the service given by their agent for the products of their own company purchased by their own customer. kindly look into the matte and ask the USHA ones to do the most requisite at the earliest.

Even, the service agent further did a fraud by saying a 9 number needles will work, however, even USHA doesnot supply any 9 number needle, per se. The agent further claimed that he would visit next day for the exact service, but no one came even after number of request over phone by us. USHA, a brand name was not expected to turn out to be so unprofessional in its approach.


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