This is inform you that I am totally disappointed and irritated from reliance for your double-dealing activities.

I was using Reliance Wi-Fi (Wi-Pod) data card No. 9380061352 from August onwards.

I was getting this data card from Mr. Veera, Reliance Branch Asst. Sales Manager, Nungampakkam, and Contact No. 9543682001 & 9884082001 at my staying room Pazhavanthangal- Chennai itself.

I have paid Rs. 2,400/- He mentioned Rs. 1,000- for Bachelor deposit and Rs. 1,400/- for device cost. I am not met any showroom and contacted any other for this data card connection.

Initially he told me there is a plan for Rs. 2,400/- 3 months No Bill- 12 GB per month-Device free of cost. Then only I paid to him. Mr. Veera sent his assistant Mr. Sudharsan to set and activate the device at my room. As per Mr. Veera instructed his assistant Mr. Sudharsan came and done then he collected Rs. 2,400/- as instructed by Mr. Veera.

Later 1 week my network has been stopped. I am unaware the reason. So I called Mr. Veera. He answered you are bachelor, so that 3 months plan not applicable to you. You are now in regular plan and your money is deposited for device cost Rs. 1,800/- and balance of your money paid for Precaution deposit. So you have to pay the regular bill as indicated in bill.

I was shocked and anyhow I managed and paid the bill. Then I used the net and paid them in very proper time. After that I am regularly paid my bills at proper time.

But last month December only I stopped due to reliance worst net service providing. I was not able to get net services from December 2nd onwards. I was waited for 12 days. Then I raised some complaints about this issue at Reliance customer care. No remedies were done on further 10 days. So I called customer care and informed that I want to disconnect from reliance services from 22nd December onwards. From 18th onwards I am not at all used data card.

December 20th I got bill for Rs. 1,144/- for the previous duration services. December 22nd onwards I informed customer care and ask them to cancel my connection. I was asking my caution deposit amount and device cost amount details. There were no proper answer from them till now.

January 20th I got bill for Rs. 1,244/- on my email. I could not tolerate this kind of worst services made by you. When I call customer care they are asking me to go nearest reliance showroom and make cancel form.

Jan 21st I went reliance showroom at saidapet. They made waiver complaint for my denial payable amount of Rs. 1,244/- through customer care. My Complaint No. is 242133335. They asked me to wait 2 more days then make the final payment of due and will be terminated.

Jan 27th I got mail from Reliance that I need to pay Rs. 1,278/- as final outstanding payment and then we could proceed for the termination request.

Jan 28th I paid the said amount at Saidapet showroom and I mailed scanned copy to reliance for proceeding my cancel request.

In-between some days reliance people are contacted me for further usage with another people with the same no.

I was confused. I told them I don’t know the person. If I know then I will intimate to you.

Feb 12th I am receiving the mail as i am retained in reliance with service request ID:242655645 in NCPLUS2GB_225 data plan.

I am not yet request this service. How it is been activated. Again I am shocking. Reliance people itself making these kind of activities.

My Question to Reliance:

1.I am not request any service from Reliance for further. Why do you activating another service under my name?

Do immediately cancel all my services. I am irritated by reliance to continue further for any of its services. Terminate the Connection Immediately with service request ID: 242323157.

2.I am not received any single call about my paid amount to Mr. Veera Rs. 2,400/-. Even if I am asking about these issue at customer care they are escaping to provide the answer.

Give the solution to get back my money. Device is with me without usage. I would like to return the Wi-Pod device, because no usage of it for me. I am ready to submit it to your office at any time.

Also I am ready to meet your higher authority to resolve this issue. Please inform me where and when to come? I am waiting.

I need justice. I need atleast some of my paid money Rs. 2,400/-. Please provide the proper solution with service request ID: 242323788.

3.My humble request to reliance is kindly don’t cheat the poor and don’t exploit their money over and over. The curse of poor will destroy you soon.

I hope reliance having enough money and no need to beg money from poor customers.

So there is no need of this Silly money cheating.

4.Whenever customer asking details and requesting services there is no answer at right time. Even 1 week there is no answer in mail or in phone call also. Even Chennai itself this kind of service providing means very poor to competent in market with BSNL and Airtel. Everybody will leave from reliance very soon and thus Reliance will be Zero in future.

Answer them and try to solve their queries or requests within 1 week atleast since you are managing thousands of employees with you.

I know how to escalate this issue to consumer court and damage the reliance name completely in media. I am from middle class family and I will lose money further also. So that I am appealing to reliance higher authorities now. Hope I will get Justice.

I am request the manager intervention in this issue directly.

Please consider the device cost and caution deposit (Rs. 2,400/-) and refund some of money if you are genuinely running the customer service.

Please advice for me to get my money (atleast half of I paid)


Yesu Inbaraj Daniel
Yesu Inbaraj Daniel said:
This is inform you that I am totally disappointed and irritated from reliance for your double-dealing activities.

I was using Reliance Wi-Fi (Wi-Pod) data card No. 9380061352 from August onwards.

I was getting this data card from Mr. Veera, Reliance Branch Asst. Sales Manager, Nungampakkam, and Contact No. 9543682001 & 9884082001 at my staying room Pazhavanthangal- Chennai itself.

I have paid Rs. 2,400/- He mentioned Rs. 1,000- for Bachelor deposit and Rs. 1,400/- for device cost. I am not met any showroom and contacted any other for this data card connection.

Initially he told me there is a plan for Rs. 2,400/- 3 months No Bill- 12 GB per month-Device free of cost. Then only I paid to him. Mr. Veera sent his assistant Mr. Sudharsan to set and activate the device at my room. As per Mr. Veera instructed his assistant Mr. Sudharsan came and done then he collected Rs. 2,400/- as instructed by Mr. Veera.

Later 1 week my network has been stopped. I am unaware the reason. So I called Mr. Veera. He answered you are bachelor, so that 3 months plan not applicable to you. You are now in regular plan and your money is deposited for device cost Rs. 1,800/- and balance of your money paid for Precaution deposit. So you have to pay the regular bill as indicated in bill.

I was shocked and anyhow I managed and paid the bill. Then I used the net and paid them in very proper time. After that I am regularly paid my bills at proper time.

But last month December only I stopped due to reliance worst net service providing. I was not able to get net services from December 2nd onwards. I was waited for 12 days. Then I raised some complaints about this issue at Reliance customer care. No remedies were done on further 10 days. So I called customer care and informed that I want to disconnect from reliance services from 22nd December onwards. From 18th onwards I am not at all used data card.

December 20th I got bill for Rs. 1,144/- for the previous duration services. December 22nd onwards I informed customer care and ask them to cancel my connection. I was asking my caution deposit amount and device cost amount details. There were no proper answer from them till now.

January 20th I got bill for Rs. 1,244/- on my email. I could not tolerate this kind of worst services made by you. When I call customer care they are asking me to go nearest reliance showroom and make cancel form.

Jan 21st I went reliance showroom at saidapet. They made waiver complaint for my denial payable amount of Rs. 1,244/- through customer care. My Complaint No. is 242133335. They asked me to wait 2 more days then make the final payment of due and will be terminated.

Jan 27th I got mail from Reliance that I need to pay Rs. 1,278/- as final outstanding payment and then we could proceed for the termination request.

Jan 28th I paid the said amount at Saidapet showroom and I mailed scanned copy to reliance for proceeding my cancel request.

In-between some days reliance people are contacted me for further usage with another people with the same no.

I was confused. I told them I don’t know the person. If I know then I will intimate to you.

Feb 12th I am receiving the mail as i am retained in reliance with service request ID:242655645 in NCPLUS2GB_225 data plan.

I am not yet request this service. How it is been activated. Again I am shocking. Reliance people itself making these kind of activities.

My Question to Reliance:

1.I am not request any service from Reliance for further. Why do you activating another service under my name?

Do immediately cancel all my services. I am irritated by reliance to continue further for any of its services. Terminate the Connection Immediately with service request ID: 242323157.

2.I am not received any single call about my paid amount to Mr. Veera Rs. 2,400/-. Even if I am asking about these issue at customer care they are escaping to provide the answer.

Give the solution to get back my money. Device is with me without usage. I would like to return the Wi-Pod device, because no usage of it for me. I am ready to submit it to your office at any time.

Also I am ready to meet your higher authority to resolve this issue. Please inform me where and when to come? I am waiting.

I need justice. I need atleast some of my paid money Rs. 2,400/-. Please provide the proper solution with service request ID: 242323788.

3.My humble request to reliance is kindly don’t cheat the poor and don’t exploit their money over and over. The curse of poor will destroy you soon.

I hope reliance having enough money and no need to beg money from poor customers.

So there is no need of this Silly money cheating.

4.Whenever customer asking details and requesting services there is no answer at right time. Even 1 week there is no answer in mail or in phone call also. Even Chennai itself this kind of service providing means very poor to competent in market with BSNL and Airtel. Everybody will leave from reliance very soon and thus Reliance will be Zero in future.

Answer them and try to solve their queries or requests within 1 week atleast since you are managing thousands of employees with you.

I know how to escalate this issue to consumer court and damage the reliance name completely in media. I am from middle class family and I will lose money further also. So that I am appealing to reliance higher authorities now. Hope I will get Justice.

I am request the manager intervention in this issue directly.

Please consider the device cost and caution deposit (Rs. 2,400/-) and refund some of money if you are genuinely running the customer service.

Please advice for me to get my money (atleast half of I paid)


Yesu Inbaraj Daniel
Dear Yesu,

Our customer service team is still working on the concerns shared by you. However we would request you to give us some more time to get the same addressed to your satisfaction. We assure you that we strive to provide you with the best of our services, at all times. We appreciate your patience.

Reliance Communications
Reliance taking long time to solve the customer issues. But raising billing to customer is properly done without a minute delay....
Dear Yesu,

Our customer service team has informed us that your concerns have been addressed. Let us take this opportunity to assure you that we strive to provide you with the best of our services, at all times.

Reliance Communications
Dear Reliance Team,

I am forget the meaning of customer care because of reliance customer care services.
Can anyone explain the meaning of customer care?

Kindly change the service name as Reliance Staff Services, it is the best opted title for your service.
Because there is no services are done and working for customers. It is 100% working and done for Reliance staff's. So I my best suggestion and very suitable title for your services is " RELIANCE STAFF SERVICES ".

1. What is your current customer care email id? Whether it is differing from state to state?
Whether these are all in your old customer care mail ids?
Reliance Customer Care <>,,
"Netconnect.Broadband" <>,
2. If any customer mail arrives, how do you functioning to answer that?
Whether 1000 mails are received from customers, you are strike out to reply on 100 mails only per day, Like this method?
or you will reply only first 100 mails and remaining 900 mails will be send to dust bin? or
your staff will put "Ingi Pingi pongi" and select 100 mails and then throw it out balance 900 mails.

The following mail I already put to your customer care, I have received 0% reply.

Please find below mail:

Dear Reliance Team,

I would like to notify that I am not at all used Reliance device or any services from December 26th onwards. Even I am not opened the device package.

I am requesting the reliance team to terminate my connection from January 1st Onwards.

I paid my final outstanding amount Rs. 1,278/- on 28th January and sent the Paid receipt on the same date.

I am not given any concern for reliance any new plan.

If it is so why reliance itself activating new plan under my name and charging again and again without any usage from me.

Whether it is the right way to exploit the customer in this way?

Whether it is the rule and norm that I have to beg the customer care for 24 months and have to pay 24 months bills whatever generated by them on future even after that device is not functioned at all.

You, Reliance Team can check the device with no. and trace the activation timings and usage of timings everything, isn't it?

Then under what criteria you are making bill. You will dream and make the bills as you like to Indians. It is the basic common sense to make the bill?

I am already lost Rs. 1,800/- to one of your Reliance sales staff i.e Mr. Veerakumar, Nungampakkam. He sold the device as free of cost, and then put me in regular payable plan and charged the device without my concern.

Kindly make waiver or cancel for this generated bill. Pleas think in justice at least.

And I want the termination without a moment delay.

I expect from reliance is that termination confirmation message or mail only.

It looks similar as a poor girl begging the guy to leave her from sexual harassment.

Hope RELIANCE have human beings...

I have explained in my old mail as below:

I have been asking from January 1st onwards to customer care to terminate this no. 9380061352.

But February your customer care person Mr. Raja he was explaining me the reduction cost plan and he suggested me to offer to my relatives or others.

I replied I could not find any person. If I find any person I will recommend him to get this reduction plan. Before he is supposed to buy the device from me.

After I was tried with some of my friends but they were not interested to buy the device. So I was not able to offer this device and this reduction plan to anybody.

If anybody bought from me then reliance can offer this plan to the next person. Why reliance mental people activating under my name?

I am very clear and paid my last outstanding and request to expedite the termination process. Why you lazy people are making me trouble again and again?

Later I am received mail as like this: As per service request ID:242655645, you were retained in NCPLUS2GB_225 data plan with effect from 6th February, 2016.

Now tell me, Mr. Raja from Chennai he himself why activating this plan to me? Without my concern why he has done this malpractice?

Did I put any mail? Or Did anybody requested under this data card no. 9380061352.

You could check my email corresponding and phone conversation with these mobile no. 9894592525 and mail :

I am very frustrating with reliance customer care person Mr. Raja, Chennai.

Why he is unwantedly putting and pushing plans to customer as I already requested to terminate the no.

Still you can check with this Device no. 9380061352 if any cost open to connect at recent timings i.e From Jan 1st onwards.

I am not opened the device pack since January 1st.

I am not at all used this device in these two months and also not interested to open this device at any moment.

Why do you your people dreaming and activating any plan to customer head. I am not made any request for retaining.

Please Check with your customer care person and proceed my termination immediately..

I am not believe any customer care person from Chennai.

All they are cheatings and making customer in very trouble.

I suggest to Reliance is can close the customer care service from Chennai. The wages can be avoid.

Please expedite this issue and terminate my account immediately.

At least can you reply to confirm my data card is terminated successfully.


Yesu Inbaraj Daniel
Honourable Officers - Reliance

(Real Honourable Indians forgive me to use this prestigious word to fraud reliance customer workers)
I have registered so many complaints regarding my termination as Customer Service Request with no. But those nos. are giving only for reliance cheating methodology.
I am giving the best proved example for this:
I have registered the service request for termination of data card no. 93820061352 on 18th February. They have given the SR No. 243114314 and the customer care officer (sorry I am getting laughing for mentioning this officer position) lady Ms. Sakshi Mankawale has spoken and mailed me as it will resolve within 23rd.
Please look upon as she mailed:
As per the telephonic conversation had with you on your Reliance number 9894592525 today, we have already registered your complaint for service termination with Service Request ID: 243114314 on February 18, 2016 at 13:10 PM. It would be resolved by February 23, 2016 at 13:30 PM
After that no call has come regarding my termination request. I waited up to 25th February. Then I put mail like this:
Then immediately the same day evening another customer care officer (really again I am getting laughing on officer-position) Mr. Pratik Dubey has called and mailed me like this:
Your request for service termination has been registered with service request ID:243215284 on 20th February, 2016 8:15 PM. It would be resolved by 6th March, 2016 at 8:30 PM.

Now my question is If already one service request is on avail with specific data card no. for the same request why another India's honourable officer range person made another service request?

Now everybody will laugh about this cheatings methodology of reliance customer care...
If one service request made by one officer another officer is telling another service request for the same request of termination for the same data card no.
In the world best cheating methodology ever followed by only Reliance... Jaiho...

Reliance Customer Care, I openly challenge you. Will you terminate my data card at least this time?
Reliance customer care if you are really Man or Woman (not only in look as you mentioning as an Officer) Call me My Mobile no. 9894592525 and terminate my data card no. without fail. This is a open challenge for you all Reliance customer care (Only human beings)....

Yesu Inbaraj Daniel
Hi ,
My mobile no is 9989179847
It's a very frustrating that reliance never helps customers.
When I call customer care, they don't provide proper resolution and also all are not on the same page.
And I want to bring into notice that I have taken 499 plan and I deposited 400 as an advance, however later I got to know that we should only pay 300 as the deposit.And from whom I have taken the reliance scheme they never pick the call.
Lastly, my sim has been bard without any information and no one came to my home for address verification and still my address verification is negative.

I have even emailed to customer care(email) but didn't get any response, can you please help me with the above issue.

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