Subscriber ID No. 378124395294
Name : Mihir Badiani
Billing Date 27th
Connection Stopped working on 03.02.2015.
Requested Cancellation on 21.02.2015
Cancellation Sr No. 230353630 Dt. 21.02.2015
We are still receiving bills for this connection which has stopped working from 03.02.15 and officialy cancelled on 21.02.2015.
Please do needful.
Name : Mihir Badiani
Billing Date 27th
Connection Stopped working on 03.02.2015.
Requested Cancellation on 21.02.2015
Cancellation Sr No. 230353630 Dt. 21.02.2015
We are still receiving bills for this connection which has stopped working from 03.02.15 and officialy cancelled on 21.02.2015.
Please do needful.