Pucca Fraud Company - Cheating Payments -Syntax ITES Pvt Ltd

Don't do business with Syntax ITES Pvt Ltd

We have done IEEE and Pearson work for "Syntax ITES Pvt Ltd"(In some mails they mentioned their company name as "Shah InfoTech") from 05-January 2013 to 05-February 2013.
They haven't released the payment for the work we have done for us

IEEE= 75,552 INR and PEARSON= 3,157 INR

Total Amount: 78,709 INR

We have approached them many times regarding this and there was no proper response from them so far.

Let me describe how we got cheated in detail:
A person from Pondicherry UT (Faisal's friend) informed us about Faisal(Key person in all the fraud activities) and his company "Syntax ITES Pvt Ltd".He communicated us like Faisal from mumbai is having so many direct projects in Data Conversion(Enormous Volume) with him and since he have a very small Team with him which can't handle that big volume he is planning to outsource the files to many centres across India who are ready to provide Quality Output and also he is ready to provide a very decent rate for XML,IEEE and Pearson work.

Once after this we have communicated Faisal over his Mobile Phone: +91 9773239786,shared our Company profile,done samples to prove our Quality work.He told us he was very impressed over our work and he committed us like we will be getting good volume from his company for the next 2 Years and communicated the rates displayed below on a per page basis.

Rate approved by him are as follows:(We have mail proof with us)

We can provide you rate as per complexity.

XML process:-

Medium-8; Complex-10

HTML process:-

Simple -8,Medium- 12,Complex -18

If the quality come 100% without error than 21

We trusted his magic words (Honey words-Only Professional Cheaters talk like this)since he have committed a good volume for the next 2 years with decent price.

As everyone in this field I am also impressed over them and ready to do work for them as they have Good Website,Branch offices in UK and India(Mumbai,Bangalore and Chennai) and we have allocated 15 peoples especially for his process and most of the days my employees are set free.

As he have committed he haven't allocated files on a regular basis(whenever we call he told us the same repeated words

1. "We are downloading files from FTP" once downloaded we will upload to you.

2. I am in client meeting talking for more volumes(sometimes even if we call at regular intervals right from Morning to Midnight,he is telling the same lie).

3. Won't pick Phone(Few times Message will be like this"I am in a meeting yar,call you later)(Most of the times not picking calls for continuous 2-3 days)sometimes his mobile is switched off for continuous 2 days).

Because of this we had a Huge loss as we have paid salary for all the 15 employees for the whole period.

Since he haven't followed his words(fully false commitments,haven't sent the NDA even after we have request for the same multiple times over phone and email),we planned to stop working with him after a month to avoid further losses and raised invoice for the work we have done based on the rates he have committed over phone and email.

Whenever we ask payment for the Invoice we have raised,he and his HR(Deepali) telling some lame excuse and postpone the payment date.

This way 1 month is over,after that we got news from many vendors who are doing process for them(Syntax Info) like nobody got payment and they got cheated.(I personally know nearly 7 vendors who got cheated for lakhs and lakhs of rupees).We came to know they have cheated nearly 17 Vendors in Southern India itself.

When we came to know all these we have pushed them over phone and email for payment.They told us everytime today or tomorrow it will be released.

Atlast when I am started arguing with "Faisal"for payment,he was angry over me and told clearly we got work from nearly 17 centres and haven't paid for none and we can't do him anything.

He also added he(Faisal) have committed only file rate on "Per Article Basis" and not on "Per Page Basis".
Most of the Articles have more than 18 pages,This means he will pay 8 Rupees for 18 Pages on an Average that is not even 40 paise per page.

Who will do per page on 00.40 paise rate?

He is simply fooling others,he have committed he will pay on per page basis but refusing once we raise invoice.

After this we have tried many times he is not even picking call.

I am shocked to hear that as he is twisting everything to avoid paying us.

Since he is new to me we have recorded all the conversations right from the start between me and Faisal and we have them safe,we have Oral proof (Voice recording) when he confirm on pricing over phone for "per page basis"
Also we have all the Mails safe on my outlook for all the conversations between our company and Faisal Team.

If he is not willing to close this case on mutual agreement within next week,I am going to proceed with legal activities to avoid other's from getting cheated out of their company.

I came to know once again they are planning to cheat(2nd Round) small companies in the name of outsourcing their work and I am sharing my experience to ensure no body should be cheated like me in future.
I humbly request companies not to do business with them as they are totally cheat and you will not be getting single paise from them for your valuable work.

Fraud Company details:

Company name: "Syntax Info" or "Shah InfoTech"

Contact Person's :

1. Md.Faisal(Designation: Production Director) ,
2. Shahida Yadgiri(Production-from Mumbai office),
3. Sandesh(Project Manager),
4. Deepali(HR)

E-Mail address:

1. Md.Faisal( faisal@syntaxinfo.com) ,
3. Sandesh(sandeshgurav@syntaxinfo.com),
4. Deepali(mumbai.hr@syntaxinfo.com)

Contact Numbers:

1. Office:022-65265013, 022-65265018

2. Faisal: +91 9773239786

3. Sandesh(+91 9773906897)

Sandesh Skype_id: sandesh_gurav

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