Unethical and Irresponsible HDFC Ergo(Check deducted but insurance cancelled)


New Member
Unethical and Irresponsible HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited, I called up their customer care 2 renew my car insurance only 2 inform that policy has been canceled in Nov 2011 due to Check dishonor. I have bank statement with details of successful bank transaction. This is sheer irresponsibility on their part and unethical practice. Because their irresponsible behavior i am running my car without any insurance for 10-11 months. The money has been debited from account on 6th Sept and these guys canceled the policy in Nov. How is it possible that HDFC Ergo continue to sleep on the check for two months.

Even after paying Rs. 19k i am uninsured. I want to teach these guys a lesson?

How to file a complaint to a court and which court?


Staff member
RE: Unethical and Irresponsible HDFC Ergo

It is shame for them. Now a days these debits/credits are automated and there is no scope of such mistakes. Moreover they got enough time to find free source of Rs.19,000 which they never did.

At least they are supposed to refund you first 19,000 + @8%/pa interest.

You need not go to court, just consumer court is sufficient. Your application with 3-4 copies of it, along with proofs, a DD of Rs. 100 or so is required. No lawyer is needed. Just send them a notice first. Then file it. I guess you're eligible for at least another 10,000 for damages.


New Member
RE: Unethical and Irresponsible HDFC Ergo

Can you please guide me further? Following is my understanding:
1. Send a notice to HDFC Ergo
2. Write an Application to Consumer Court and file it in the court

Am i correct?


Staff member
RE: Unethical and Irresponsible HDFC Ergo

To send notice write a letter to HDFC Ergo clearly mention the deficiency in service, along with proofs and the damage amount plus interest.
So it should be Rs. 19000 + 8% interest + damage amount.

If I were you I'd quote damages from around 10k - 20k. Please see consumer court will not give you amount more than this. Also for HDFC Ergo lawyer comes free of cost( they are contracted annually whether or no any legal cases are there).

Usually they don't bargain but in your case their sheer negligence is clearly established.

Filing procedure I've already mentioned. You can find the location of consumer court from advocates in sessions court. You need to find out DD amount. These may already be present in your state's website otherwise visit the office of court and later submit all complaint to them. That's it.
I am not sure why am i am not able to comment on this post using my ID. :-(
I am using my wife's ID now.

I have received the following email from the HDFC Grievance Cell:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grievance Cell <grievance hdfcergo com>
Date: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:45 PM
Subject: RE:'Service ID=005-929-512' Irresponsible HDFC Ergo
To: Gaurav Shankhdhar

Dear Mr. Shankhdhar,

At the outset, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have been put through.

We wish to inform you that, as per our records, the policy was cancelled due to an inadvertent error and the same was reinstated on receipt of your e-mail dated 27th July 2012.

Since the premium was received at our end the insurance cover provided by the company for the period is valid and on happening of any of the insurable event the Company would have been under a liability to pay the claim.

We have dispatched the reinstated policy documents to your correspondence address vide Airway Bill number 13313180145 of Blue dart courier. You shall receive the same shortly.

Please find the soft copy of policy documents attached below, for your reference:

For any further queries please feel free to contact us on:

Toll- Free Helpline :
1800-2-700-700 from any Landline & Mobile
1800-226-226 from MTNL or BSNL Phone

You can also visit our website

HDFC ERGO assures you best service at all times.

Grievance Redressal Team
They can not have it both ways.
The fact of the matter is that they have canceled my Policy in Nov 2011.

I was running without any policy for good 10-11 months.

I don't accept this reinstated policy. I have already taken a FRESH Policy from other company and don't want to have anything to do with HDFC Ergo.

Is there a realistic chance to get my money back from them.


Staff member
I'll tell you, if you ever got claim of 5 lacks, they'd have rejected it outright. After all, it'd be your duty to see if the policy is intact or not. HDFC Ergo never sent you a letter that you're policy is intact. In short you were on your own risk.

Ok just tell me if traffic police had caught you, how would you have proved that you had a valid insurance? You did not have.

If you look at another angle, suppose if you indeed needed to claim insurance and they denied it, then most probably consumer court would still have ruled in your favour.

Just go to forgot passwd to retrieve your passwd.
That is what i think. I have seen personally how one of my friend suffered because of same issue from other insurance company.
Let me go to court then.
I have declined their policy and let me see what they have to say.
I will go to consumer court otherwise.

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