Malpractices used by Samsung Authorised service centre

I purchased the Samsung AC on 19th May , 2007 ( vide bill no. 9105 dtd 19th May, 2007 from Sales India, Ahmedabad). I have faced lot of break downs since the purchase time and after warranty, we got it repaired six times by Samsung Authorised service station in Ahmedabad.

Recently on 16.6.2011, during one of complaints on same AC, Samsung Customer Care on recieving our complaint directed their Authorised service centre , Shrinath Electronics , Naranpura , Ahmedabad to attend our problem and Their Representative visited us and took 885/ - for AMC contracts stating that we will be getting three free service visits. He gave us a receipt without any explanations about the kind of services would be included in such AMC and there was no terms and conditions attached which referred those conditions.

Again the AC Compressor was found not working on 7.7.2011 and we asked the centre to attend as we paid for AMC ( receipt no. 832 dated 16.6.2011). The service engineers visited and said that Samsung do not take such AMC and when we produce the bill and asked him why he was said that as he was from the same centre. He laughed witha smirk in his facew and informed that we have been taken for a ride.

Also he added that now capacitor has to be replaced and it will require fresh labour charges of INR 442 and material cost @ additional price of INR 582/( the capacitor was replaced four times till date) . When we asked for explanations about AMC , they said that such visits are not covered and we have to pay everytime such visits are warranted for.

When asked for refund for AMC as we do not want to continue with such fraudulent services to extract money from customers who are not aware of their technical terms , they flatly refused to pay us.

When we contacted Samsung Customer Care, they informed us that they have not sent any technician and the technician showed us SMS recd from Samsung custiomer carewith same complaint no.

I want all Samsung customers to be wary of such malpractices.

Nikhil Singh

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