Theft of Jewelery ( checked -in Bagage) AirIndiaExpress

Proudly Say Mera Bharat Mahan ,Soo (100) me se Ninanwe (99)Beiman

plz find below my email written to Airindiaexpress but they are sleeping on my complaint.

----Original Message-----
From: biznsplus <>
To: customersupport <>; iasmatq <>; atqcity <>; atqairindia <>; dxbcity <>; dxbapt <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 28, 2011 5:16 pm
Subject: theft from checked Baggage IX192,DXB-ATQ flight ,25june

Dear Commercial Manager,
Air India Express

I would like to draw your kind attention untoward incident of theft from checked baggage.My mother traveled from Dubai Terminal 2 to Amritsar on 25 june 2011 by 2100 hrs flight.After collecting checked baggage(Amritsar Airport) she realized her someone had touched it as all the pockets were half open and lock was also not in same fashion as she locked it.after opening the baggage in front of CISF staff deployed next to customs(Amristar airport)she noticed all the boxes /packs had been thoroughly searched like makeup kit ,one food pack ,mobile packaging box, jewellery box.

she discovered following items missing:

1.ladies gold chain snake pattern.40gms.
2.ladies gold ear ring 11 gms.
3.Male gold plain finger ring 6 gms.

Electronics: E5 NOKIA mobile phone.

I would like you take the necessary action and trace the culprit and recover the stolen items .I am staying in this country ( UAE dubai )since last 6 years till date i haven't heard any of this incident from anyone. This is a big question mark on the honesty and integrity of your staff.
Honestly saying this particular incident had shaken our faith and confidence to travel by Air India Express.

Please do the needful.

Thanks and Regards

Rajesh Singh


Staff member
I think it was done while checkin. While checkout, time is very less and at the time of checkin the airline staff has sufficient time till departure.
Did you not file complaint with Police in Dubai?

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