SBI CARD not accept the wrongs & rectify the bill and Doing unsocial works for fraud earning

Dear Sir/Madam,
1. I am using the sbi card from last 4-5 years, where Annual Charges was free. In the past years I have not paid any Annual Charges. In the Nov-2018 bill, SBI card charged me Annual Charges. This year cart amount is higher than the past years. After so many communication they have not revive the Annual Charges.
They have imposed annual charges in the year 2017 and revive the same (revive letter attached for your ref.). Now sbi card forced me to pay and said revive will done as per usage limit more than Rs1, 00,000.00
SBI card mailed me bills every month with password protected; Card no is the password of the pdf file. Now those files are not opening. May be blocked by sbi card.
2. SBI card has mismanagement and internal communication gap between internal departments and Officers.
Cart date is 02/11/2018. It is already 234 days from the cart date. Different officers of sbi card taken time to resolve the matter last date taken 10.06.2019 (220 days) for resolving the matter. They take time to create huddles. If their policy is clear and intention is clear than why take 220 days for clearing the matter. At different time different officer handle the problem and take time. But no solution.
When different Customer care officer taken time total 220 days for resolving the problem than how collection department send the bill to bank for payment. SBI card has increase earning by wrong intention. My actual cart value was Rs 44,110.50 /- now the bill value reached at Rs 71,000/- (approx). From the cart date they have increase the bill Rs 27000/- approx and in the month of june they have revive the late fee Rs 900/- approx. They have adopted the wrong intention to increase the earring.

3. I got offer SMS from SBI card for no cost EMI. So on dated 02.11.2018, I have cart a laptop from Flipkart of Rs 32, 751 and after cart, mailed to SBI card for getting the no cost EMI offer. But SBI card not provide the same.
After the date another cart was done by any one from my ID and selects the option from merchant web site and availed the no cost emi.
Matter is misguiding the innocent customers by sending SMS by omitting the important key works like “Where customer can avail the offer”.
SBI card will give the offer or from merchant web site not clear.

4. I am staying out of state and always keep in touch of sbi card officers and also two mobile nos given in my communication to sbi card. The matter was also discussed with Mr Santosh (SBI card -BBSR) 6-7 times, He suggest to discuss with Mr Deepak Mishra (SBI card Regional Manager-BBSR) 2-3 times. He has no response and it is already 234 days from the date of cart. Different officer of sbi card taken total 214 days from the date of cart for resolve the matter. I have sent more than 1000 mails to SBI card. SBI card send me only copy paste reply. Threaten me for payment and SIBIL. But neither accepts the mistakes and mis-management nor resolved the matter. When disclose their frauds through social media than SBI card blocked all with help of Social media network companies.

After all, on dated 23.06.2019, SBI card send persons to home for family harassment without intimation to me. When I talk with that person he said I am Mr Arup coming from SBI card- Kolkata office. He starts harassment with my family for money. He said, we will take over all your properties if you will not pay. When I said him why SBI card send person to home without intimation to me. Please give your ID. He only shows his ID front side. Not show the I-card back side details.
Actually His name was Mr Pradyumna Kumar Behera from SBI card - BBSR office. Than within few minutes he returned back.

How SBI card can do unsocial works and harass to my family.


Gopinath Das
Dear All, SBI card should accept the wrongs and correct the bill and I am also communicated earlier to sbi card I am agree to Pay my actual liabilities. For Metal pressure, Harassment and Time loss SBI card penalized.

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