Facing repeated exhaust filter overloaded problem in EcoSport bs6 TDCI

I bought new EcoSport 1.5 Diesel Titanium from Ford (NSP Vehicles- Makarba) on June 2021. I’m facing the issue with “exhaust filter overloaded drive to clean” even after I gave back my car to workshop to upgrade PCM software and change or clean DPF filter. I thought after the upgrade I would not see this issue, but in my surprised the issue is kept coming up now and then. After that I gave my car in to workshop multiple times for them to work on the issue, however the same issue again showed up after few days of the service done. The workaround is given by workshop people is to drive 50 kms straight on highway with consistent speed 50 to 60 without using clutch and break, I did try it but it was vain. Also I observed other issues like power loss and jerking, and I think they are inter related. It’s pathetic issue when pop up exhaust filter overloaded drive to clean” error on my digital display meter. I am frustrated now, there should be some permanent solution of this issue rather than giving the workaround, right? Why I need to burn fuel just to clean the filter? There should be some auto cleaning system. I know the same issue is being faced by many others with this model, so I strongly recommend Ford India to look at the issue seriously and resolve it permanently for their trusted customers.


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